Eats, and recent cheap purchases.

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My mom made me carrot cupcakes for my birthday, per my request.
She even cut dried apricots in half, and used mint leaves from her back yard to make mini carrots on top. Cuteness.
I had to take some continuing education classes for work recently. Typically I do NOT indulge in energy drinks, but red bull helped me stay focused in 4 days worth of 8 hours of class per day.
Trying to expand my beer horizons.
This sunshine wheat wasn’t my favorite, so I probably won’t buy it again, but it was decently good.
Ahem. We had a bowling work event the other week. I’m not joking…this was a drink special.
My cats won’t let me have a Christmas tree. They tend to climb on it and bat ornaments off. Luckily, I can enjoy a tree at work.
My princess.
Yes, I scored a case of zico coconut water.
And see that price tag? YEAH! It actually rang up for $5. I am stoked to have a steady single serving supply of coconut water that was super cheap.
I also had some other cheap finds this weekend:
At $1.99, I had to buy two boxes. This will only help my effort to introduce other grains into my regular daily diet.
Guilty pleasure, thanks Wild Cow. Beans and Greens, Buffalo Style, Over Quinoa.
Funny sign in the women’s restroom at 3 Crow.
My cornbread is having a PacMan identity crisis.
My current hummus obsession. Thank you/Damn you Kroger for having this on sale until the end of December. I’m now eating this hummus every single day. It’s going to be hard to break up with it when it’s not on sale, but there’s no way I can justify spending $4.59+10% tax on hummus. That’s crazy talk.

About laceythevegan

I'm a reader, a food lover, a crazy cat lady, an animal lover, local shopper and local music supporter. You can find me in East Nashville most of the time, shopping, having a drink at a locally owned bar, or eating food at a local restaurant. I like cumin and smoked paprika way more than I should, winter squashes make me happy, and while I do like most fruits, I only *love* berries and mangoes. I'd rather have salty snacks than sweets, and the darker chocolate is, the better. I still think Earth Balance is the best fake butter, Vegenaise is the best vegan mayo, and Almond Milk tastes better than soy milk. Chia seeds are my favorite egg substitute for the most part, and pumpkin tends to bind better than applesauce-especially in chocolate goods. I know a lot about food and nutrition, but that doesn't mean I'm the healthiest person. I tend to avoid eating out because I know I can make food that tastes better at home.

10 responses »

  1. Yeah that is crazy especially if you’re able to make your own. I love hummus. I eat it on everything, I really like adding it to a salad. It’s a good alternative to dressings.

  2. Where are you getting all these greatly priced goodies from? Not the hummus but miso, pasta. etc.

  3. I’ve been meaning to redux
    Get that freaking Miso in my belly now! 😉
    Also – that tree is gorgeous!
    Happy Holidays sweetie – xoxo

  4. sheesh – that first phrase was suppose to say “my carrot cake recipe” :-p

  5. The cupcakes look (for want of a better word) delicious. Putting up a Christmas tree with cats in the house is just an invitation for distruction. Adorable though.

  6. Sabra’s on sale through the end of December at Kroger? Totally going to pick up a few tubs! Love those mini carrots made out apricots 🙂


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